Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, my beloved sisters and brothers,

Reflecting on our Charity Week event, a soccer tournament organized in collaboration with IHD (Islamische Hochschulgruppe Dresden), fills our hearts with immense joy and gratitude. This gathering was a beautiful demonstration of unity, sportsmanship, and generosity, bringing together Muslim university groups from eastern German universities for a cause close to our hearts: supporting “Charity Week” and advocating for “Natur und Biene.”

The event unfolded on a crisp Saturday afternoon, the 21st of October, within the welcoming confines of the modern Soccerworld hall in Leipzig. As teams of six from MHGs in Magdeburg, Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz took to the field, the air buzzed with excitement and friendly rivalry. Meeting in Leipzig, the geographical heart of our communities, underscored our aim to unite the Ummah through shared goals and passions.

The tournament was not just a competition but a vibrant gathering to foster connections, friendship, and mutual understanding. On the field, players showcased their skills and teamwork, while off the field, laughter and conversations flourished, weaving the fabric of our community tighter.

The entrance fee, a modest 5€ from each player and spectator, became a token of our collective effort to make a difference. Thanks to the generosity of our attendees and the support of our sponsors, who covered essentials like training vests, drinks, and hall hire, we raised significant funds for IslamicRelief. These funds are earmarked for the education and healthcare of orphans and needy children, a cause that resonates deeply within our community.

As the day concluded, the spirit of charity, unity, and sportsmanship remained high. This soccer tournament was a testament to what we can achieve together for a greater good. Beyond the competition, it was an opportunity to strengthen bonds within the Umma, celebrate our shared values, and contribute meaningfully to the lives of those in need.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all participants, supporters, and sponsors who made this event a resounding success. Your enthusiasm, sportsmanship, and generosity have left a lasting impact, not only on the beneficiaries of the funds raised but also on each of us, fortifying our resolve to continue these efforts.

May Allah (swt) bless everyone who contributed to this wonderful day. We look forward to more such events that bring our community together, in the spirit of giving, unity, and joy.

Barak Allahu feekum for your support and participation, and let’s carry the spirit of this tournament forward, in our actions and our hearts.

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