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iftar gathering

April 6, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Assalamu alleikum wa rahmatuh allahu wa barakatuh my beloved sisters and brothers,

May Allah accept our fasting, prayers, duaas, donations and any kind of ibada. 🤲🏾

Alhamdulilah, finally we can invite you to our *MHG-Iftar Gathering* of this Ramadan. 🙌🏾

Like last year it will take place in Gebäude 29 (Fin-Gebäude) in Room 307 on the 6th of April.

Therefore, I would like to give you the very first important information regarding the *Iftar*;

1. You can only participate if you have *registered* and are on the list. This means that we will check your registration before entering the room.

(*registration* via this link; https://forms.gle/Xkzt2NtT8WQRaGoUA)

There is an entrance fee of 4€. You can either pay it via our PayPal account (mhgovgu.md@gmail.com; please choose the option “family and friends” so that PayPal cannot take any fees‼️) or at the registration in front of room 307.

As places are limited, we recommend that you register as soon as possible.
It would be enormously important to send us a message if you spontaneously cannot attend the event.

2. For all who would like to join in prayer, I ask you to bring your *prayer mat* and eventually your prayer clothes. 🛐

3. *SUPPORT!!*: we need your support in the following points:

3.1. If you would like to and can help us with setting up, i.e. carrying and preparing the decoration, join this WA group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CH7tHbi0zJ8ISb4GVRBkt4

3.2 If you have a car and can help us with the shopping on Friday, please contact us privately. 🚗🛒

3.3 If you would like to extend our main-dishes-buffet with finger food or sweets, please feel free to bring it with you.

Baraka allahu feekum wa feena


April 6, 2024
6:30 pm - 11:00 pm


MHG Members
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Gebäude 29 Raum 307
Fakultät für Informatik Gebäude 29 Gustav Adolf Straße
Magdeburg, saxon anhalt 39106 Germany
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